Invisalign Treatment
In Bopal Ahmedabad



Premium Platinum Holder at the Braces & Kids Dental

Aligners are essentially invisible, bespoke, and completely removable braces that can correct different bite and alignment issues such as crowding, overbite, misaligned teeth, and other conditions.

Invisalign is the latest, most sophisticated, and most advanced orthodontic treatment available today, to straighten your teeth. Invisalign invisible braces make use of a series of clear aligners, fabricated by 3-D technology, programmed to move your teeth to their final and perfectly aligned position. The procedure involves making an impression or scan of your teeth followed by planning and customization of your tooth movements in a virtual setup. Your orthodontist will approve the setup and will give instructions to proceed with the manufacturing of your aligners. You can start using the aligners once they are ready and you must wear them at least 20- 22 hours a day. You must change to your next aligner as per the instruction of your orthodontist. Our in house orthodontist will plan & schedule your appointments at Bopal; South Bopal, Ambawadi, and Gandhinagar branch depending on the complexity of your case.

Countless happy patients around the world have experienced amazing results with the Invisalign treatment and our certified Invisalign providers at The Dental Roots will make sure you & wear your desired flawless smile in no time.

The Benefits of Invisalign


Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, giving you a cosmetic and aesthetic smile, and completely erasing the embarrassment caused by wearing metal braces.

Easier to Care for than Braces

Simply take your aligners out, clean them, clean your teeth, and then put the aligners back. Invisalign is far less likely to cause any cavities or damage to your teeth in any way.

Fewer Food Restrictions

EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT! Simply remove your aligners before you have your meal, and put them back on afterward.

Less Painful

The aligners are tailor-made to your teeth, so there is little to no pain and irritation.

Freedom to Play Sports

With Invisalign, you can either remove the aligners or keep them wearing while you play sports. Flexibility in this aspect means fewer limits in activities and life.

Ease of Playing a Musical Instrument

Playing a musical instrument can be a headache while you’re wearing braces. But such is not the case with Invisalign, because there are no brackets!

Improved Self Esteem

Having a beautiful smile helps build confidence, which in turn leads to improved self-esteem and overall happiness.

How Aligners Helps?

Gap Teeth
Crowded Teeth